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A multi -faceted look at one Chinese woman's life. including musings about travelling and family life...

Monday, 28 May 2012

I hate being sick!!

Ever since I had a cold 2 weeks ago I haven't been feeling the most energetic...then last Monday I was having severe pains in my left side, something was wrong - didn't know what -  so my OH rang the out of hours doctor and got me an appointment. It turned out it was caused by a chest infection.  The next night the pains came back & the doctor says it was due to pneumonia (SHOCK HORROR) I have never had chest problems in all my life, and to be told that!!!    Anyway a few days later I got a chest x ray done & the results showed an abscess on my lung....OMG!!     I was so scared , what if it is cancer?  My OH says I'm a hypochrondriac, but during the first few days of the pains in my side I truly believed I was going to die. Lying in bed, I'd never known such pain - in fact it was worse than childbirth.     I cried and cried, because I missed my dad. If he was here he'd make everything alright....reading the book Dear Sebastian, made it even more emotional for me.....

Ryan sings......